
       <!-- Define the XFeline class -->

       <class name="XFeline" inherit="">


              <scope type="public">

                     <var type="int" name="pi"/>



       <!-- Instantiate the MyNode object as an instance of the abstract class Node -->

       <!-- Note that MyNode contains Animals, which in turn contains cats and dogs -->

       <node processcode="true" construct="true" name="MyNode">


                     <cats age="old" class="XFeline" construct="false" var_int_pi="3.14">5</cats>




       <!-- Set the value of cats to be the value of dogs -->

       <eval object="MyNode/Animals/cats">


                     <parm type="string" name="Parm0">

                           <eval object="MyNode/Animals/dogs"/>





       <!-- Write the age attribute of cats -->

       <xout processcode="true">


                     <parm type="string" name="Parm0">

                           <eval object="MyNode/Animals/cats" attribute="age"/>


                     <expr>"\r\nage = " + Parm0</expr>



       <!-- Write the pi member of cats -->

       <xout processcode="true">


                     <parm type="int" name="Parm0">

                           <eval object="MyNode/Animals/cats" member="pi"/>


                     <expr>"\r\npi = " + Parm0</expr>


