<try> ... <exception>

Purpose The <try> ... <exception> statement is used to monitor a section of the Superx++ program for any exceptions that may be raised/thrown. Whenever an exception is thrown it is trapped in the <exception> clause of the <try> ... <exception> statement. The most recent exception raised can be found within the exception object.
Format <try>
      {exception handler}

{body} the set of Superx++ statements to monitor for a raised exception
{exception handler} the set of Superx++ statements to be executed when an exception is raised within the <try> statement
Example #1 <try>
            <expr>today() = #29-May-2002#</expr>
         <throw>No work today!</throw>
      Here I am at work...
         <eval object="exception/description" />

Prints the string No work today! to the output stream if the date is 29th May 2002; otherwise, prints the text Here I am at work... to the output stream.