
Purpose The <include> statement is used to include code in other files into a Superx++ program. This allows for partitioning of large programs into files of manageable sizes.
Format <include>
   <src>{file path}</src>

   <src>{file path}</src>
      <parm type="{parm type}" name="{parm name}">
         {parm value}
         {finder expr}

{file path} the path to the file with the Superx++ code to be include
{parm type} (optional) the datatype of the parameter to be substituted into {finder expr}
{parm name} (optional) the name of the parameter to be substituted into {finder expr}
{parm value} (optional) the value of the parameter to be substituted into {finder expr}
{finder expr} the expression to be used to find the set of objects within the file to be included-- this allows for partial inclusion
Example #1 <include>

This will include all the contents of the file found at C:\\MyDir\\MyFile.xml. This kind of inclusion where the whole contents of a file are included into the program is common in other languages. You might call it complete inclusion.

Example #2 <include>
      <parm type="string" name="abc">class</parm>
      <parm type="string" name="xyz">XPlant</parm>
         has node:abc and attr:name=xyz

This will include only the class statement defining the XPlant class within the file found at http://MyServer/MyDir/MyFile.xml. If there are other statements in the file then they are not included. This is called partial inclusion.

Example #3 <if>
         <parm type="string" name="kind">partial</parm>
         <expr>kind = "partial"</expr>
            <parm type="string" name="abc">class</parm>
               has node:abc

This will include all the class statements within the file found at http://MyServer/MyDir/MyFile.xml because the parameter kind is set to partial. If kind had a different value then the entire contents of the file would be included instead. This run-time determination of what gets included (or in a different example, you could make it include different files entirely) is called conditional inclusion.