
Purpose The <eval> statement is used to perform calculations via its <expr> clause.
Format <eval>
   <parm type="{parm type}" name="{parm name}">
      {parm value}
{parm type} (optional) the datatype of the parameter to be substituted into the {expression}
{parm name} (optional) the name of the parameter to be substituted into the {expression}
{parm value} (optional) the value of the parameter to be substituted into the {expression}
{expression} an expression that can be calculated. It may contain mathematical operators and calculation functions.
Example #1 <eval>
   <expr>5 + 6</expr>

yields 11

Example #2 <eval>
   <parm type="string" name="a">atom</parm>
   <expr>len(a) < 5</expr>

yields true

Example #3 <eval>
   <parm type="string" name="a">atom</parm>
   <expr>(len(a) + 5) < 5</expr>

yields false