
Purpose The attr statement is used to define an XML attribute within the main part of a Superx++ program or within a method.
Format attr({object name}) {attribute name};

attr({object name}) {attribute name} = {attribute value};

{object name} the name of the node/object to which the attribute will be applied
{attribute name} the name of the attribute
{attribute value} (optional) the initial value of the attribute

What an Attribute defined in an Object looks like in Run-Time Memory
Let us consider an attribute defined in an object, MyEmployee, called status whose value is current. This attribute will be rendered in the run-time memory as follows:
   <MyEmployee status="current" />

where xppRAM is the memory object.

Example #1 attr(MyEmployee) status = "current";

Defines an attribute called status for the MyEmployee object and sets its initial value to current.

Example #2 attr(MyEmployee) status = MyCompany.GetStatus(id = MyEmployee.EmployeeID);

Defines an attribute status on the MyEmployee object and sets its initial value to the return value of the GetStatus method invoked on the MyCompany object.